Category Archives: Airpark The Show

Upcoming Production Schedule

We hope to raise the funds for the pilot in the spring and early summer of 2013, and hope to be filming by late August.  

The pilot, if funded ,will likely be shot in Colorado & Texas.  For the series, we plan to shoot at Airfields, Airshows and communities throughout the United States.

This section of the website will show upcoming productions where we will be seeking youth groups to film.  If you are interested in having your group featured in a segement, please get in touch and check the box- participant.


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Why Airpark TV

There are several factors that led us to wanting to produce Airpark.

According to industry experts, the aviation industry will be facing a shortage of labor and needs to reach out to youth.    Film students need real productions to get experience to learn how to develop quality programming and material, and working professionals need projects to work on, hence, the inspiration for Airpark TV.

First, today’s youth don’t have nearly the access to the types of activities that many of us grew up with. Between their electronics, the hover parents, the distance from the open areas and just a general sense of fear, many youth grow up simply playing video games and watching TV.   We figured, we’ll perhaps we can reach them on their TV, Pad device and perhaps interest a few to want to be able to get out and experience some of the things any 12 year old in our times enjoyed.

From RC aviation, to flying in a real airplane, to helping build a replica, Airpark hopes to introduce many ideas to the youth as well as coordinate events to film where youth get a chance to participate.

There are many youth outreach programs that organizations are currently doing.  Airpark is a perfect complement that can help promote those efforts, working side by side  to help bring more kids into aviation, to help the aviation industry find their help for the future. The show should also provide great memories and healthy activities for the kids participating.  Not only that, it’s a show that mom and dad can trust will be good for their kids!

Obviously, since we all must work for a living,  we have a commercial interest, but, in addition to working to help youth, we plan to offer formal paid apprenticeships to qualified film students as normal fare for production.  This professional experience is what many in film schools find lacking.

Certainly there was a network dedicated to television shows about aviation, that is no longer on the air.  The difference between our show and those is that we seek to captivate a younger audience and provide engaging activites, not only to watch, but to be part of as the show is produced throughout the country.  We also plan to distribute the show not only on air, but via diigital distribution where our intended familiy and youth audience has easy access, any time they want to watch it.

The show will be designed so that the viewers won’t want to miss the next episode.

All in all, the program will offer healthy, clean familiy programming, learning and be able to offer youth something that they just aren’t getting exposed to these days, and offer opportunity for jobs for the older youth.

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Airpark TV Show- What is it?

Airpark TV will be created in the same spirit of the giving aviators who reach out to our youth and change lives. Airpark is a film project for a a pilot episode of a children’s television that will bring the world of aviation, the past and present heroes, opportunities, encouragement, activities to the living rooms of kids.
We plan to use kid and teen hosts for the show. It will be shot in a fun style that appeals to youth, but at the same time delivering a good message and keeping them engaged.  We are currently developing 7-10 feature segments for the show, and hopefully subsequent series. There will be a segment following real kids as they get to meet the heroes of today, take their first flight and work with the aviators at their events, or even workshops we set up. There are learning and craft activity segments featuring projects or activities that moms, dads and mentors can do together. Other segments include reality/documentary of existing events, aviation science concepts, aviation jobs, craft, air shows & fun stories. Special segments such as, a young girls workshop with a female pilot mentor are also being developed.  We’ll even be visiting the aviators that fly camera’s for movies!  We want to get the old-timer’s stories of their days at the air fields, re-enact those events, but in a fun and interesting style that will appeal to younger viewers.
Much like the aviators reach out to the youth, we hope to offer the same to the “older kids” providing an avenue for real apprenticeships for film student’s who have demonstrated “the right stuff”.  If it weren’t for those who came before us, passing down the film making craft, none of us would be here. We hope to pass on our experience to those wanting to be in the motion picture / television industry as well. Guided by the real pros on the project, pre-qualified films students will be able to get real hands on experience on real productions, complementing their studies and aiding them to get paid a bit to help with their schooling.
We seek to shoot the re-enactment segments in real film, to provide real film experience to apprentices.  This might seem silly in the days of digital media, but, those of us who come from “real film” understand the discipline and work ethic needed for film, that separates the digital filmmakers from the real film makers.  This aspect of the production will provide tremendous benefit to the apprentices that are chosen.
We will happily discuss the show outline in private dicsussions with parties that might be interested in sponsoring the whole show.
Synopis-Outline-Script  registered via WGAW #1658073
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Spot our Airparkers!

You’ll be able to spot our AirParkTV crews out at events, they’ll be wearing these shirts.  A version of these shirts are also going to be one of the perks for IndieGogo Crowdfunders Falcon or above level!  If you see one of us with a shirt that says “Film Crew” and you have an idea, a contact or would like to get involved be sure to get that person your contact info with an email and one of the producers will get in touch.  Of course, let the cameramen finish what they are shooting ; )
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